September 29, 2004




時は戻らずに強がるから 凛とした魂も泣き笑いで 涙が溢れてる
自分らしく生きる事など 何の意味もないような朝焼け
(NOW AND THEN〜失われた時を求めて〜 by My Little lover)


Posted by AKIKO at September 29, 2004 10:44 AM | TrackBack

莚顔鐚My partner and i poenredd do exactly published the content about this subject and would not help it become anywhere, but I considered first that can come to be able to my favorite site with information. And after this I see new is about the subject, published therefore cautiously that they wouldn't take action far better. I see, the main things would be better still left to some expert like you.

Posted by: Emileide at May 29, 2014 12:56 AM
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